Vasyl Yavorskyi
Lead Product Designer (UI/UX)
About me:
I'm a professional UX researcher and UI/UX Product designer with more than 5+ years experience in UX/UI related fields, and more than 10 years in IT sectors.

User Research, UX Design, UI Design, Figma, Prototype, Software Development, Digital Product Development, Usability Improvements, Quality and Quantity Research, Product management, Start-up Development, Product Analytics.

Working experience:
2014 - 2016 Co-Founder, Product Manager at

I was one of the co-founders of the first Ukrainian social media network. During the first 2 years we reached more than 250.000 customers.


Conducting user intervies, A/B testings, prototyping, building wireframes of new pages and services. Taking part in managing the product.
Managing product on different stages of life cycle: idea, MVP, working product, first customers. Managing Design and Marketing activities.

Managing developers and other employees.
Taking part in start-up presentations at the summits of investors.
Hiring new employees and volunteers.
Presenting start-up to the investors, (raising 10.000 euros from the Seed Investors for our start-up).
2016- 2019 Product (Project) manager at SiteCafe Web Production.

I was UX designer and product manager in the web production studio.


Working with stakeholders, conducting in-depth interviews with stakeholders and users. Managing the whole process and stages of creating new digital projects from R&D stages to the MVP version.

Creating User Stories, User Flows, Customer Journey Maps, User Journey Maps, Usability testing, UX audit, Workshops with clients. Creating low and high-fidelity prototypes.

Managing front-end and back-end developers.

Managing team tasks in Jira, managing daily team meeting and cick-of meetings

Managing the budgeting and expenses of the whole project.

Working closely with clients from the first meeting to the ready-to-use version of the product and managing the support stage.
2019- 2020 UX/UI Product Designer at Benefit Provider LTD.

I was responsible for creating a Product: mobile app and CRM system from scratch. Here are my activities during the project:

UX research on a market field including: finding customers for user research, doing in-depth interviews and workshops with potential users in 5 Ukrainian cities (Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod), quantity research with the help of surveys that reached more than 100 respondents.

Creating a list of the hypothesis before in-depth-interviews.

I have conducted more than 10 in-depth-interviews with respondents. Analyzing the results of in-depth-interviews.

Creating user personas.

Creating the whole information architecture of the project.

Creating user flows and Customer Journey Maps in Mirror

Creating low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes in Figma, creating UI elements in Figma, creating UI prototypes in Figma

I have conducted more than 10 user testing with respondents creating final low fidelity and high fidelity prototypes and working closely with UI designers on the UI part.

2020- 2021 UX/UI Product Designer at Maxitech.

I was responsible for Full UX/UI and product design solution from product analytics and data based solutions to low and high fidelity prototypes and using Design system :

• Identify users' needs and understand how users consume and navigate over products
• Understand business goals and implement it in design
• Work with other UX/UI Designer and developers to optimize products and services for clients
• Do UI/UX design layouts in Figma, collaborate in using team design system, create new components for design system.
• Analyze competitors and best solutions to implement in current flow
• Present and communicate insights in order to help shape long-term product strategy
• Help to carry out an assessment of existing information architecture and identify areas for improvement.
• Do Product Analytics use the following services: Google Analytics 4, Maze, HotJar, SmartLook, generate
2021- 2022 UX Architect at Luxoft.

A product suite in the oil&gas sector. A team of 5+ designers, working on various products of the suite.

• Tackle the end-to-end UX process, including:
• Do user interviews
• Developing and documenting personas
• Usability tests including cognitive walkthroughs of interactive prototypes and more quantitative testing to be determined as appropriate
• Do user workflows (current and proposed new workflows with associated screen flows) and associated product requirements
• Represent the user in any meetings relating to product development
• Using Design system in collaboration with more than 5 others designer working on the different projects across the domain
• Do low and high fidelity designs using components library and create new components to the team library if needed
• Do interactive prototypes in Figma

2022- 2024 Lead Product Designer at Noii Dating

As a Product Designer I was in charge of creating brand new start-up (mobile and desktop apps) for Switzerland dating company.


1. Research (include surveys, in-depth interviews, stakeholders interviews, usability testings, heuristic evaluation, CJMs, and User Flows).
The main goal of the research phase was to identify the user's needs, pains, gains, fears, and also deep motivation that run our current and potential users to become an advocate of our platform.

3. Product design activities (Including setting up the analytics tools like GA, Smartlook, HotJar, and Maze, A/B testings)

2. Prototyping (include low-fidelity prototyping, middle-fidelity prototyping, user testing, user interviews, and high-fidelity prototyping).

UI design tasks: Creating the mobile and desktop app from scratch, creating UI design components library, creating UI elements kit, creating layouts for mobile and desktop app.

© Vasyl Yavorskyi.
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