SaaS Project for Netherland client - HireSlim

Client - HireSlim Corporation ( Netherlands)

Basic information about the project
HireSlim is market leader in providing SaaS solutions for HR market across Netherlands. Before COVID 19 began the SaaS platform worked on LowCode platform Bubble. And a lot of functions like: task manager, interactive calendar and others weren't working.

The challenge of this project was:
To create from scratch new, modern recruiting SaaS software that solve most of the users problems, are far ahead from main competitors and could be done in 9 moths-1 years period of Research and Development.
Stage 1-2. User research and low fidelity prototype

We did: market analysis, competitors analysis, in-depth-interviews with core stakeholders, in-depth interviews with customers, user personas, Customer Journey Map

Then we did low-fidelity prototypes, user testings, prototype improvements

Stage 3. High-fidelity design

Weeks of user testing, improvements and once again user testings - we presented the final prototype for our clients. After the final version of the product was approved by clients we started high-fidelity designs and fronted and back end work as well.
    Final High-fidelity designs
    Campaign screen, task manager screen, calendar screen, create new campaign screen, stats screen
    Stage 4. Fronted and Back end development

    The fronted team used: Angular JS, React, Vue JS, HTML5, CSS and JavaScrips technologies.

    The back-end team used: Node JS, .NET technologies

    Thanks for reading this!
    It's a short overview of a huge work that was done for this project.